You would think that having a stroke and being paralyzed on one side of your body would be one of the worst things that could ever happen to you. And mostly it is, from my point of view. Except you'll be surprised that I've actually found good things from this tragedy that has happened to me
1. I have discovered things about myself that I never knew. Such as how strong I am. I always thought of myself as a weak person until this happened. Now I know that anything is possible for me.
2. I'm amazed at how many people I've met because of my stroke. I have met people near and far and their stories and journeys have inspired me to do better for myself. These friendships are priceless to me.
3. I've learned to take nothing for granted. Family is the most important thing ever. Scott and I both now know what's really important in life. We were never materialistic before, but we definitely now know that life is not about the things you aquire, but it's about the life that you make for yourself, and the time that you spend with loved ones.
4. The time that I have gotten to spend with my mom because she moved in with me is something that I will always cherish. Had I not had my stroke I probably would have not had this awesome time to spend with her.
5. Lessons I can teach to my boys. Priceless and valuable lessons that I can teach them. Like, never to give up, and to always believe in themselves. I hope that they are better men because of what happened to me.
You may think that I would say 2014 is the worst year of my life, and it really is not. Honestly, 1999 was the worst year of my life. The year my dad died. That life event has impacted my life more than my stroke ever has.
So on that note I wish everyone a Happy New Year and here's to 2015. Let it be healthy and happy for everyone!