Once upon a time in a small town by the name of Oxford lived a rock and a kite.
The rock was stoic, strong, and stable. He had his feet planted firmly on the ground as all good rocks do. The kite was a dreamer who liked to linger among the clouds allowing the gentle winds to guide her to new and exciting adventures.
One day the rock and the Kite met, and became friends. They found they were a perfect fit. They fell in love and were married on a crisp autumn day. Their union together gave them the perfect balance in life.
The kite depended and relied on her rock. He helped her to be grounded when needed, and always to be strong. Likewise, the kite would help her rock. When the winds kept her high among the clouds she would lift the rock slightly off the ground helping him to dream big.
As time went by a baby rock was added to their family, then a baby kite.
Shortly after the arrival of baby kite a tragedy occurred that attempted to cut the line between the rock and kite. Neither were going to allow that to happen.
The rock watched as his precious kite was tossed about in the violent stormy winds. He held onto his kite, not willing that she be lost. His love pulling her back to him, securing the line that held them together. The kite fought against the winds of the storm with all her strength.
They were a team, and they had a little rock and a little kite depending on them.
Together they rode out the dark clouds and strong winds of the storm until the sunshine and blue skies broke through. They are bound together ever so tightly again. The line between them unbroken and stronger than ever.
*These are our nicknames, and why we call each other rock and kite. How does our story end? We will live happily ever after.
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